VOLUNTEERS NEEDED for Medical & Dental Clinic

Volunteers needed for free medical & dental clinic at sacramento central.We’re excited to be teaming up with Amen Ministries for a one-day free health clinic at Sacramento Central Church on July 22, 2018. We need medical and dental professionals (nurses, physicians, dentists, dental hygienists, ophthalmologists, optometrists, massage therapists, etc.) and non-medical volunteers.  Please, anybody who is willing and able-bodied visit the AMEN Volunteer site to register to volunteer or sign up at the hostess desk on Sabbath.

The Medical Services that we aim to provide are diabetes screening and education, illness diagnosis and minor treatments, health promotion and education, and blood pressure screening.

The Dental & Vision Services that we aim to provide are fillings, extractions, cleanings, restorative, eye exams/prescriptions.

AMEN is Adventist Medical Evangelism Network, a non-profit network of physicians and dentists dedicated to providing free dental and medical care to those who are uninsured or under-insured.  This free clinic is made possible by volunteers and by donations.  Visit amenfreeclinic.org for more information.

Note: This clinic is NOT for emergency care, such as chest pain, bleeding, premature labor, or trauma.  For emergencies, call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.

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  1. It would be a pleasure to help but unfortunately we have plans to be out of town on that day & the month following. Will there be another opportunity at another time? I have worked as an RN for many years and still have my license. Please let me know. Thank you very much.

    Kathy Kuniyoshi Vaselenko


    • Chris Buttery : August 6, 2017 at 2:23 pm

      Thanks for your interest Kathy. We hope to run these events annually as funds are available. You’ll know when we hold a next one. It will be all over our social media. 🙂

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