Page 2 - OJ Brochure - 2021-02
P. 2

A Flight To Nowhere?

        The news article headline read: “Check       passenger, for reasons still not known, had
     in but never leave: Taiwan offers fake flights   boarded the wrong flight.
     for travel-starved tourists.” In a day and age    All Nippon Airways Flight 175 left the
     where we hear a lot about fake news and fake  Los Angeles International Airport at about
     this and that, it may not be too surprising to   11:30 AM, spent about eight hours in the air
     learn about the offer of fake flights.          and landed back in California just after 7:30
        The offer was made for travel lovers as a    PM, majorly inconveniencing its passengers,
     cure for those with itchy feet who couldn’t     including a celebrity, who live-tweeted to her
     travel due to planes being grounded during      9.2 million followers, “flight to nowhere”.
     the coronavirus pandemic. And what do “trav-      The reality is, many of us have felt like
     elers” get for this fake flight? They receive   we’ve been on a “flight to nowhere” due to
     a fake itinerary at check in, as well as a walk   the coronavirus pandemic. In March of last
     through passport control and security, and      year, life as we knew it came to a grinding
     the chance to board the aircraft.  The passen-  halt. Businesses and schools closed. A lot of
     gers and the plane however, never leave the     plans were upset. Lives were turned up-
     departure terminal. A flight to nowhere.        side-down.
        In a separate scenario, a Tokyo-bound flight   Then it looked like we were making prog-
     actually left Los Angeles, but after 4-hours    ress. States, counties, cities, and towns
     into the trip it made a u-turn over the Pacif-  began to open back up. But a slight spike
     ic Ocean and returned. Why? Because one         in coronavirus cases shut everything down
                                                     again. While things are slowly opening back
                                                     up once more, it has certainly felt like we’ve
                                                     been going nowhere.

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